Growing up, we expected our parents to have all the answers. We looked to them for authority and wisdom. That’s why, sometimes, it’s hard to accept their mental decline. It’s hard for them to take, as well. Even though we are reluctant to do so, we may need to take...
Firm News
Starting a business? Here are 3 things you may not know you need
You’ve got all of the passion and drive to make all your entrepreneurial dreams come true, but it’s critically important to make sure that your business has a solid foundation. That means making sure that you pick the right business structure, getting your partnership...
Who will execute your estate?
If you die without naming an estate executor, a court will choose one for you. They would typically choose a family member according to a state-defined ranking. Yet they might not be the best person for the job. If you want to ensure you secure the most appropriate...
Should you worry about lies on your mortgage application?
Lying and manipulating other people are unethical behaviors. They are also against the law. Fraud is the formal legal term for when one person tricks, manipulates or lies to another. People engage in fraud for reasons that range from financial to personal gain....