People in certain circumstances cannot manage their own affairs effectively. Some people experience incapacitating emergencies that leave them unconscious for months. Others might have mental health challenges, such as bipolar disorder, that result in them making...
Elder Law
What are my rights as a nursing home resident?
When you’re advancing in age to the extent that you start considering your options for care, it is normal to be curious about your rights in the event that you become a nursing home resident. Understanding your rights is the first step to ensuring you receive the...
The 4 steps to take after creating and finalizing a will
Establishing your last will and testament marks an important milestone in life planning, especially as a senior. It's a significant step that provides peace of mind, knowing your family will respect your wishes. However, the process doesn't end after the ink dries on...
What are my end-of-life care options?
When planning for your end-of-life care, you may want to consider different options before choosing the one that best fits your needs. There are several resources that can help, but with so many available, it can be challenging to pick one. Before making a decision,...
2 tips for long-term care planning
After working for many years, you deserve quality health care services and a comfortable life. Virginia Health Information (VHI) has a consumer guide that provides in-depth information to those needing long-term care and their loved ones. Several options are...
Is your elderly relative struggling with daily living?
Your elderly parent has lived through a lot. They’ve taken care of themselves for decades and successfully raised a family. Before retirement, they also ran a successful company. In short, they are used to being independent. The reality is, however, that there will...
State of the Union address to focus on elder law issues
The year 2022 is shaping up to be quite eventful, with the status quo no longer assured of being maintained. One industry that will soon experience a major shake-up appears to be the field of long-term care facilities and nursing homes. When the president gives his...
What is financial abuse of an older adult?
Elder abuse is a rampant and painful problem in this country, and a range of people could perpetrate it. These include a relative, a hired companion, a nursing home employee or anyone else who has contact with the person. When you imagine the abuse of an older...
Understanding long-term care benefits if you are a veteran
Finding out about long-term care services and how to pay for them often overwhelms many people. If you served your country in the military, you likely have access to certain benefits that could make the process less expensive. These benefits come in several different...
3 potential indicators of nursing home abuse or neglect
Nursing home abuse and neglect are common occurrences often brought about by understaffing, stressed workers and mismanagement of power. The Association of Mature American Citizens reported a rise in incidents of this sort in 2019. News stories about nurses bullying...